Dental Bonding – Itasca, IL

Quickly and Conveniently Repair Flawed Teeth

woman in green shirt with brown hair smiling

Having damaged teeth can impact both your oral health as well as your self-confidence. If they’re broken, then bacteria can penetrate through the enamel and cause tooth decay. Plus, they’re more likely to sustain an additional injury because their structure is compromised. On top of that, unsightly imperfections can leave you feeling anxious about how others see you.

Thankfully, our dentists at Hamilton Lakes Dentistry can quickly and conveniently repair flawed teeth with dental bonding. Often, the treatment can be completed from start to finish in a single appointment, so you don’t have to wait for results. Continue reading to learn more about it, and feel free to contact us if you have additional questions.

Why Choose Hamilton Lakes Dentistry for Dental Bonding?

  •       Member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
  •       Customizable Tooth-Colored Materials
  •       Advanced Technology to Enhance Patient Comfort

What is Dental Bonding?

Woman with brown hair in blue bib undergoing dental bonding procedure

Dental bonding is a process our team uses to mend or mask minor problems and restore broken teeth. We do this by applying a small amount of composite resin directly to your teeth, which we then mold into the perfect shape. Next, we use a special ultraviolet curing light to harden the material as it bonds with your enamel. Because the resin is customized to match the color of your natural teeth, no one will know that there was ever an issue to begin with.

This treatment is a great way to address:

  • Chips
  • Cracks
  • Discoloration
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Slight gaps

Who Is a Good Candidate for Dental Bonding?

facial closeup of a man with a chipped front upper tooth smiling

Potentially, anyone with minor problems with their teeth can benefit from dental bonding. However, before you can move forward with this elected treatment, you must schedule a consultation with one of our dentists. During this appointment, our team will examine your mouth to ensure there are no cavities or gum disease that can interfere with your results. If we find any areas of concern, we’ll work with you to repair them so that you can be eligible for dental bonding.

For example, if we find tooth decay, we’ll apply a filling or perform a root canal first to keep your smile happy and healthy before considering a cosmetic fix.

The Benefits of Dental Bonding

nose-to-chin closeup of a woman smiling with perfect teeth

There are several benefits of getting dental bonding in Itasca, including:

  • Convenience. This treatment can often be completed from start to finish in a single, hour-long appointment.
  • Longevity. The results can last anywhere from 3 to 10+ years if you maintain them properly.
  • It’s easy to clean. There aren’t additional special care instructions above and beyond your usual at-home dental hygiene routine of brushing and flossing twice daily.
  • Versatility. You can improve one or several aspects of your grin simultaneously.
  • It’s non-invasive. There are no complex, costly, or painful surgeries involved in this repair.